Player/Team Eligibility Requirements

March 6, 2025 3:04 AM

by San Diego APA

Player/Team Eligibility Requirements

March 6, 2025 3:04 AM

by San Diego APA

4 Matches for that team by end of the regular Spring Session = Eligible for Spring Playoffs on that team.

*6 Matches Lifetime in that Format by end of Spring Session = Eligible for the Spring Blast (playoff requirement must be met as well).

**10 Matches Lifetime in that Format by end of Spring Session = Eligible for Cities & WPC Vegas (playoff requirement must be met as well).

*For the Spring Blast, Spring Session Playoffs will also count towards the 6 matches.

**For Cities and Vegas, Spring Session Playoffs and Blast will count towards the 10 matches.

Summer (2025) session matches DO NOT COUNT towards any of the above.

Additional Member Services Post for Cities Qualified Teams: 

Links that include additional information




Please review all information and reach out to the League Office with any questions or clarifications.

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