Situation: My opponent took a shot that didn't appear as thou they were attempting to make a ball. We asked the shooter and they said it wasn't a defensive shot, what do we do?
Mark the defensive shot, A Defensive Shot is any shot taken without the intent to legally pocket a ball. This definition includes, but is not limited to, shots taken in an attempt to hook the shooter’s opponent. The shooter’s INTENT is the determining factor. Unless the shooter declares that their shot was a Defensive Shot, it is up to the scorekeeper to decide if the shooter intended to try and pocket a ball. Consistently and correctly marking Defensive Shots ensures the effectiveness of The Equalizer®.
Defensive shot as stated above is when the shooter isn't trying to make the ball not just when they are trying to hook you. Meaning if you believe the shooter regardless if they left you a good shot or not didn't try to truly pocket their ball this should be marked as a defensive shot.
Rule: Official Team Manual (OTM) page 31-32 “Defensive Shots”:
This section also covers:
- Ethical and unethical defensive shots
- Attempting a defensive shot and making your ball
- Two-way shots
You can submit a "Rule of the Week" to the league office:
- Email to
- Email Subject Line must read “SDAPA Rule of the Week”
- Clearly state the rule/situation and if you know where the answer is found please provide those details.