Play 8-Ball Doubles for a chance to go to Vegas!
Starting Saturday April 19th
Sign up your team by Fri April 11th to make the first week of the schedule
Bi-Weekly Play
*1st and 3rd Sat of the Month
Team Skill Cap of 10
Consists of 2 to 3 players per roster
Check out the "Session Ending Singles Board" award as part of playing doubles league.
(see FAQ below for details)
Click the following links for additional information
Doubles Flyer
8-Ball Doubles Rules
8-Ball Doubles FAQs
Sat Division Disclaimer
8-Ball Doubles Scoresheet Example
To avoid any issues later and t o ensure you understand what you're signing up for, please review the flyer, disclaimer, rules, and FAQ above, as they cover many important topics. Even if you're a returning team, it's important to review these materials, as some things may have changed. Make sure you fully understand all the key details before confirming your new or returning team. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to the League Office.
Sign up now while spots still remain by sending an email to (include approved host location, roster and team name).
*some months teams will only play once that month to avoid some conflicts