Rule of the Week - Switching Coaches During a Timeout

January 27, 2025 9:43 PM

by San Diego APA

Rule of the Week - Switching Coaches During a Timeout

January 27, 2025 9:43 PM

by San Diego APA

Situation: My opponents team calls a timeout and one of the players on the team starts to give the timeout. After the coach has already talked to the player at the table they switch coaches to someone else on the team. Is this allowed?

No, during their turn at the table, the shooter may discuss strategy only with the coach designated for that time-out. A coach may get a group consensus from other players on their team and pass it on to the shooter, but only the designated coach may pass it on.

A team can change coaches from timeout to timeout but not during a timeout. In addition this is the only non-shooting Ball In Hand foul (see page 54 section f of the OTM).

Rule: Official Team Manual (OTM) page 28-30 “Coaching”:

This section also covers:
  • Ineligible players
  • What is considered a timeout and what is not
  • Number of timeouts based on SL and divison format

You can submit a "Rule of the Week" to the league office:

  • Email to
  • Email Subject Line must read “SDAPA Rule of the Week”
  • Clearly state the rule/situation and if you know where the answer is found please provide those details.

Requesting Pre-Play (early) Matches
1/30/25 - 5:34 pm
Teams that need a future scheduled match released early (Pre-Play) so they can use scorekeeper must email/text the league office with the following. Team Name and/or Number. Week of Play you want released early. The League Office can only release future weeks based on the following: Teams that play Tues, Wed and Thurs night: we can only post on Fri so requests must be in by end of day Thurs. Te
2024 Fall Lifetime Match Milestone Awards
1/28/25 - 9:23 pm
Congratulations to the following players who have reached 500, 1000, 1500 (NEW THIS YEAR!), 2000, 2500 (NEW!) and NOW 3000 lifetime match milestones during the 2024 Fall Session! Players can pick up awards at the 2024 Fall BLAST on February 1-2, 2025 at Pockets, or email the league office at to coordinate a future event when you or a friend can come and pick up your award!
Rule of the Week - Team Skill Level Limit (23 rule)
1/27/25 - 6:00 pm
Situation: We have only 4 players tonight for our 8-ball match, can we play 4 matches to 21 even though we don't have a 2 on our roster? No, A team playing less than a full match must show that it would not have exceeded the Team Skill Level Limit, if all the matches had been played. Teams that break the *23 rule will lose all points earned that night. Players matches will count towards their mat