Situation: We played last night and the other team requested a double post. We played the match and then someone told us this isn't allowed in the last 2 weeks of the schedule. Do we get the forfeit?
No, Teams are responsible for enforcing the OTM & Bylaw rules at the time the issue arises.
Captains and players on all teams should be aware of the rules or at least where to find them. The app contains both the bylaws and the OTM, which can be searched electronically. Always refer to the bylaws first, as they take precedence over the OTM during regular sessions and playoffs.
OTM = Official Team Manual
Rule: Bylaws “Teams”:
OTM Search Tool:
You can submit a "Rule of the Week" to the league office:
- Email to
- Email Subject Line must read “SDAPA Rule of the Week”
- Clearly state the rule/situation and if you know where the answer is found please provide those details.