Rule of the Week - New Players Skill Levels

September 9, 2024 4:37 PM

by San Diego APA

Rule of the Week - New Players Skill Levels

September 9, 2024 4:37 PM

by San Diego APA

Situation: My new player who started as a skill level 3 but after 1 match is now a skill level 5. Is this correct?

Yes, it is not unusual for a new player's skill level to fluctuate during the first few weeks. A player’s skill level is not considered established until they have 10 actual match scores in that format on their record. Penalties may be assessed at the discretion of Local League Management for starting a player of known ability as a new player.

To add based on Bylaw and MVP rules we strongly encourage teams to start players who are better higher than the starting SL3. This is to be fair and avoid potential penalties for both the player and/or team.

Rule: Official Team Manual (OTM) page 21-22 “New Players”:

Addition information
Bylaws (under "Adding Players"): 

You can submit a "Rule of the Week" to the league office:

  • Email to
  • Email Subject Line must read “SDAPA Rule of the Week”
  • Clearly state the rule/situation and if you know where the answer is found please provide those details.

2025 9-Ball Doubles Championship Qualifier
9/18/24 - 9:22 pm
9-Ball Scotch Doubles QualifierSaturday, October 26th 9:30 amat The Break Room(doors open @ 9am) $30 Entry Fee per Team100% Payback Combined 9-Ball Skill Cap of 10 Maximum Field of 42 Teams Pre-registration (entry and payment) required by Friday, October 18, 2024 Winners advance to the 2025 APA 9-Ball Doubles Championship in Las VegasCLICK HERE for ENTRY FORMand PAYMENT OPTIONS REGISTERED TEAMS
Requesting Pre-Play (early) Matches
9/18/24 - 3:00 pm
Teams that need a future scheduled match released early (Pre-Play) so they can use scorekeeper must email/text the league office with the following. Team Name and/or Number. Week of Play you want released early. The League Office can only release future weeks based on the following: Teams that play Tues, Wed and Thurs night: we can only post on Fri so requests must be in by end of day Thurs. Te