8-Ball Southwest Challenge...FULL!

February 22, 2023 6:53 PM

by San Diego APA

8-Ball Southwest Challenge...FULL!

February 22, 2023 6:53 PM

by San Diego APA

Get on the Waiting List!

Below is a link to the current list of 70 TEAMS ENTERED:

2023 8-Ball Southwest Challenge Team Entries as of 02/22/2023

NOTE: If you have not yet submitted a deposit, your team is NOT CONFIRMED and your spot could go to the teams that make a deposit first.

To each team contact person:

  1. Confirm the number of rooms you've requested.
  2. Confirm your deposit and other payments have been received.
  3. Pay balance due by Friday, February 24th (skill level freeze date).
  4. One week following the skill level freeze date, Liza will be sending an email to the contact person only, with confirmation of amount due and room confirmation numbers. Players, please confirm with your team contact person that you have the correct rooms/dates reserved and paid.


in the 25th annual

8-Ball Southwest Challenge!

Back in 2020, San Diego APA was ready to send 70 teams to this event, but the pandemic shut-down caused us to cancel the event... THREE YEARS LATER... we are back and ready to take sign-ups for this player favorite!  

Slots are limited, so get your team entry and deposit in now!

2023 8-Ball SWC Event Flier 

>> Click Here to ENTER YOUR TEAM Online <<
(View Room Rates on the Entry Form above.) 

Click here to visit our website for more info on the 8-Ball Southwest Challenge. 

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