8-Ball Southwest Challenge...SIGN UP NOW!

January 24, 2023 10:13 PM

by San Diego APA

8-Ball Southwest Challenge...SIGN UP NOW!

January 24, 2023 10:13 PM

by San Diego APA

Ready to play in Vegas at one of the most popular events west of the Mississippi?


in the 25th annual

8-Ball Southwest Challenge!

Back in 2020, San Diego APA was ready to send 70 teams to this event, but the pandemic shut-down caused us to cancel the event... THREE YEARS LATER... we are back and ready to take sign-ups for this player favorite!  

Slots are limited, so get your team entry and deposit in now!

2023 8-Ball SWC Event Flier 

>> Click Here to ENTER YOUR TEAM Online <<
(View Room Rates on the Entry Form above.) 

Click here to visit our website for more info on the 8-Ball Southwest Challenge.  

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2/24/25 - 7:42 pm
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Rule of the Week - Breaking
3/10/25 - 5:00 pm
Situation: Player breaks but the cue ball scratches without making contact with any object balls. What happens next? The rack must be struck before a foul can occur. So the same player will attempt to break again. Rule: Official Team Manual (OTM) page 45-46 section 3 “Breaking”: https://media.poolplayers.com/TMRB/Team-Manual-English.pdf This section also covers: Players physically unable to bre
New Session of Doubles 8-Ball Starting Soon!
3/7/25 - 8:02 pm
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