Summer 8-Ball TriCup teams

September 12, 2024 9:00 PM

by Sacramento APA

Summer 8-Ball TriCup teams

September 12, 2024 9:00 PM

by Sacramento APA

Here are the teams I have listed for the upcoming 8-Ball Summer TriCup. The Summer roster will be used. Standard eligibility requirements apply, and I'm still got some processing and eligibility checks to do... but for now, if you see anything you think might be an error with this list or you're the captain of a team that can't make it this weekend, please let me know ASAP. Good luck to everyone! This will be at Diamond Billiards 9/14 & 9/15... doors open at 10AM on Saturday.

Nice Rack - Benjamin Blackmon

'Merica' - Ryan Neely‎

Grip it and Rip it - Izumi Jones‎

Almost Dangerous - Connor Randolph‎

Hope & Poke - Cameron Probst‎

Rackies - Carlos Nazario‎

What am I? - Jessica Tarro‎

Dumpster Fire - Michael Cook‎

Rack Lovers - Daniel Aldrete‎

Sharkles - Laurie Omand‎

Just Jump It - Huy Nguyen‎

Chalking Headz - Jason Daniels‎

Furious 8 - Wesley Pyevach‎

Duck Yeah - Leo Mohammed‎

FOCUS - Anna Frei‎

Wild Cards - Michael Sheehy‎

Brockstars - Vilma Brock‎

Siecke and Destroy - Jason Siecke‎

Wicked Eight - Avrom Oliver‎

Ziminions - Maximilian Zimin‎

Massé Hysteria - Paul Hoerman‎

Ferrule Cueens & Regals - Andrea Arnold‎

Itchin' ta Scratch - Adam Malacara‎

Diamond Dogs - Cody Holmes‎

Doin Hella Much - Barrett Allison‎

Make it Happen - Avrom Oliver‎

Big Win Energy! - Andrea Arnold‎

Where's My Chalk!? - Joshua Newman‎

No Reason - Benjamin Blackmon

Info on Showdown Series Events
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