Respect the Property of Others.

November 23, 2022 12:24 AM

by Sacramento APA

Respect the Property of Others.

November 23, 2022 12:24 AM

by Sacramento APA

Something disappointing happened at the Singles Qualifier yesterday that I thought I'd mention here to turn it into a learning lesson for whomever needs to hear it.

I left a couple pieces of Taom chalk on a table next to my cues near Table #1. This chalk is distinctively labeled and shaped - it's cylinder shaped instead of the normal cube shaped chalk (typically Master) that is supplied at pool halls. It is not cheap. Each piece is $20-$25. If you see chalk like this in a tournament or league environment at a pool hall or bar - basically anything other than the standard chalk the house supplies - IT'S NOT YOURS. Even the house chalk IS NOT YOURS. There are a lot of eyes and CAMERAS in pool halls.

The house chalk is inexpensive... even though it really isn't "right", I think most pool halls fully expect some of that chalk to "walk away". In fact, I usually have some in my car (Master brand with APA label) and I'll be happy to give you a cube or two if you ask.

Higher end chalk like Kamui, Predator, Taom is a different story - if you see it laying around... it belongs to someone. They didn't pay 25 cents for it... they paid $15, $20, $25, $30 for it and they bought it and are using it for a reason. Price is one thing, but the way it plays is another thing - if their chalk disappears halfway through a tournament... they're going to be pissed about it. If they see you take it, you could be dealing with a very pissed off person and lose a chunk out of your reputation - and reputation in a pool environment is a big thing. Leave it the fuck alone - or even better, if it seems to be orphaned on a pool table or something, put a little effort into finding out who the owner is and return it to them.

In this case, this was not orphaned chalk. It was not sitting on the rail of a pool table. It was sitting on a side table next to custom cues and other personal belongings. And I know who took it - I asked the owner of Diamond to pull it up on camera. As you may have guessed by now, I'm not happy about this. If it gets returned to me - either directly or anonymously (in a team packet, for example) I'll feel much better about the person who took it - but at the moment, I'm not happy and doing my best to tell myself this person just didn't put any thought into the possible value of what they decided to put in their pocket - monetary as well as other value. If things continue to disappear around this person (or anyone else for that matter) I wouldn't rule out temporary or even permanent suspension from the league. You've been warned.

Info on Showdown Series Events
3/8/24 - 5:12 pm
Good morning! This is going to be a long read, but please take the time to read it if you have any interest in what the APA calls the “Showdown Series” – 8-Ball Doubles, 9-Ball Doubles, Jack & Jill Doubles, Ladies Team, Masters and Team Captains Team. I’ve been hearing some comments from time to time that make me realize there are some misconceptions floating around, so hopefully I can address
Notice: Sportsmanship.
11/21/19 - 8:27 pm
Behavior. I don't know what it is... probably a combination of things - the holiday season, nearing playoffs, whatever - but there's been an uptick in reasonably serious sportsmanship related issues reported to me. Two from last night alone (that I'm aware of so far). I really do my best to deal with these matters fairly and privately... but if we need to have a public hanging to get the point acr
Notice: Other Team's Packets
7/10/19 - 4:22 pm
It seems like this should be common sense, but apparently it isn't... so I'll state it as clearly as I can: You have no right and really no reason to go through another team's packet without that team being present... period. This especially applies after the match because there's money in there - or it could be that you're trying to cheat (change score, change innings) or just being nosy/paranoid