All Divisions with the execptions of Masters, Doubles and Jack & Jill
Please remember to read the messages in the app before the matches begin, the standard message that is in the app currently is:
ROSTER CHANGES MUST BE APPROVED BY THE LEAGUE OFFICE BEGINNING WEEK 5. Bonus Points WILL BE LOST for INCOMPLETE SCORESHEETS, Late or Non-Payments. List patch requests in the comment section at the end of the app.
Also, please remember if your patches are not listed in the comment section of the app at the end, before you click on submit, they will not be delivered. In the app, the patches pop up when they are earned, HOWEVER, it is not automatically sent to the player, patches must still be requested in order to be received.
Patches are delivered once a month at the beginning of the month. IF you or your team forgets to submit the patch requests in the app the night of the match, please send a text message to the league phone at 682 338-1249 with the team name, the week number, the player's name and the patch being requested so that we can get it in with the next month's delivery.
Thank you
Tarrant CountyAPA
682 338-1249