Situation: The cue ball is frozen to my object ball, can I push through it without being a foul?
Push Shot: A shot in which the cue ball is frozen to the object ball, and the shooter keeps the tip of the cue on the cue ball while pushing through the shot.
Push shots are not fouls, but players who repeatedly guide the cue ball with force through object balls that are frozen to the cue ball, using a level cue and long follow through, may be subject to a sportsmanship penalty.
In general, you can lessen the chance of being accused of shooting a push shot by hitting the cue ball into the object ball at an angle, or by elevating the butt of your cue about 30 degrees.
Rule: Official Team Manual (OTM) page 85 “Glossary”:
You can submit a "Rule of the Week" to the league office:
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- Email Subject Line must read “SDAPA Rule of the Week”
- Clearly state the rule/situation and if you know where the answer is found please provide those details.