Dear Players,
While some locations will not be open tonight, our territory covers a large area and APA Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill will hold league tonight at locations that are open. We expect all players to make informed decisions based on conditions in your area and
realize that some teams and players will opt not to play tonight. Above all we want everyone to be safe.
We ask that everyone, please be respectful of your fellow league players and let your captain know if you will not be there tonight. Team captains, please notify your opponent if your team is going to reschedule so that they can make arrangements with their team members. Make-ups will need to be completed by February 1, 2018. Any make-ups that were to be completed by today will be extended until next Thursday January 25, 2018.
Team captains may call the league office (919) 578-4758 to get the opposing team captains phone number. Thursday host locations are listed below.
Break Time Billiards, Cary - Closed
Brass Tap & Billiards, Raleigh - Open
Brown's Billiards, Raleigh - Open
Buck’s Billiards, Cary - Closed
High House Billiards, Cary - Open
Cleveland Draft House, Garner - All teams have rescheduled
Thank you,
APA Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill