2017 Fall Session 8 Ball City Tournament Info
January 16, 2018 7:59 PM
2017 Fall Session 8 Ball City Tournament Info
January 16, 2018 7:59 PM
The 2017 Fall Session 8-Ball City Tournament is scheduled for January 19-22, 2017, at HIGH HOUSE BILLIARDS & BUCK'S BILLIARDS. The tournament consists of 55 teams and is Modified Single Elimination. One team will be qualifying for the APA World Championships in Las Vegas in August of 2018!!
A team captain's meeting will be held HALF AN HOUR before the start of the round. Team captains must turn in their "Team Certification Form" prior to the captain's meeting. Therefore, team captains should get the signatures of their team members prior to the first round of play. Any player not signing the "Team Certification Form" prior to the start of the tournament will be ineligible to participate in the entire tournament.
Print off your "Team Certification Form" or get one from your DR and bring it with you to the tournament. All rounds are scheduled according to match number on the tournament board.
APA game rules and Local By-Laws still apply. In addition, the following Team Captain's Meeting Notes are also applicable: TEAM CAPTAIN MEETING NOTES
Good luck to all teams participating!!
**Only players from your 2017 Fall Session roster (with the required number of matches) are eligible to play in this tournament, as it is The Fall Session City Tournament. No exceptions!!**