
December 14, 2023 3:04 AM

by Orange County APA


December 14, 2023 3:04 AM

by Orange County APA

There have been some scoresheets turned in with no defenses marked.

It is nearly impossible for 2 teams to play and not have a single defense during those 5 matches.

A defense is about the INTENT.

A defense is marked if it is a true defensive shot, but also If your player does not intend to make a ball, but rather is just trying not to give their opponent Ball-in-hand, then that is considered a defense as well.

If teams continue to not mark any defenses on their scoresheet, they may not earn their bonus points for those weeks.

Please have your scorekeepers pay attention to the defenses for all matches.

Thank you

Eligibility Requirements
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All Teams that use the ScoreKeeper App
3/11/24 - 8:06 pm
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