Saying Goodbye

September 13, 2024 6:39 PM

by Jacksonville APA

Saying Goodbye

September 13, 2024 6:39 PM

by Jacksonville APA

We are saddened to be receiving the news that one of the staple host locations in Jacksonville APA will be closing their doors tonight after league due to irreconcilable differences between host location ownership and property management. 9 Ball Heaven has been home to players in our league for many years, and James and Kim Lowe are valued members of the APA family. We appreciate all the support 9 Ball Heaven has shown APA over the years and will miss their hospitality and presence in Jacksonville. But, through trial comes triumph and we’re told good things are in the works. We wish you all the best as you think about the next chapter and look forward to the day when we can break there again. Thank you, 9 Ball Heaven.

We know this announcement brings a lot of uncertainty to many teams. Our office has been considering options in preparation for this possibility and we will make sure every team is taken care of. The options vary depending on the night of play, so we will be contacting Team Captains to discuss the option that makes the most sense for your team. We will be working through the divisions in priority order to make sure all teams know where they are going next week, and schedules are not interrupted.

Tonight’s division will be the last played at 9 Ball Heaven. League play will occur at 9 Ball Heaven tonight, Fri. Sept. 13th at 7pm just like always. 

Given that, we’ll be starting with our Monday Team Captains first and working our way day by day from there. Please bear with us and be patient as we work through all 89 teams that need to be rehomed – starting with those scheduled to play on Monday.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we work through this together. We’ll get it figured out, and appreciate your patience, ideas, resilience, and loyalty in the process.

Mike & Kelly

Update to Divisions
9/15/24 - 11:25 pm
We're writing to give a quick update to where things stand as we relocate 9 Ball Heaven teams to other locations. All teams have indicated their new home location and we are working now to make all the changes in the system. 21 divisions are impacted by the changes so we are taking our time and carefully updating them, one day at a time. If your division schedule is in Edit Mode, your division has
Yes, Best of the Rest
9/13/24 - 8:23 pm
It seems our mass text asking for confirmations to Best of the Rest was undeliverable for a good number of you -- apologies for that. HOWEVER, all captains participating in Best of the Rest were attempted to be contacted earlier this week confirming your start time and that your team will be attending. If you did not receive that text, here are the bullet points: Yes, Best of the Rest is this wee
USAM Prelim Information
9/11/24 - 4:24 pm
We are gearing up to host a Preliminary Round for the U.S. Amateur Championship the weekend of September 20-22, 2024. U.S. Amateur Champion is the most prestigious amateur title in the sport and draws in top notch players from all over United States to compete. We will be welcoming 135 players from 7 states across the Southeast to Beaches QBall to the Jacksonville Preliminary Round, and advancing