Tuesday play...

January 7, 2025 8:06 PM

by Southern Illinois APA

Tuesday play...

January 7, 2025 8:06 PM

by Southern Illinois APA

Tuesday League is on. With the Caveat that if a team cannot make it to the location, they are approved to request a reschedule.

Just FYI... A match can be partially played, then paused and continued at a later date. Both Captains need to be aware of this prior to the start of the match. This can make scheduling a make up match much easier for both teams involved.

If you need to reschedule tonights match, please reach out to the opposing team captain and schedule your make up date. All make ups must be made up prior to the last two weeks of the session.

Let me know at the office by texting 618-542-7303 that you are rescheduling tonights match.