2023 World Qualifiers - Greater Seattle APA

June 3, 2023 12:40 AM

by Greater Seattle APA

2023 World Qualifiers - Greater Seattle APA

June 3, 2023 12:40 AM

by Greater Seattle APA

8-Ball World Qualifier Participants - Bookmark this link! 

Please review the Event Guide for an overview of the most critical information.

Team Captains

Please download a copy of this Certification Statement, review it, have all players on your team sign it, and email it to tmackel@apaleagues.com by Thursday, June 1st. This document must be signed by each and every player participating in the World Qualifier. Players who do not sign it will be marked ineligible.

Review your official roster and let me know if you have any questions on player eligibility. Eligibility rules are summarized in the Event Guide, and detailed rules are listed in the Official Team Manual. Rosters have all been reviewed, but it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure player eligibility. A player who is identified after the tournament as having participated when ineligible, or deemed to have played at a lower than appropriate skill level, may result in consequences up to and including possible disqualification.

The 8-ball bracket is available here. Note that with this bracket, first round BYEs still play at 9:30AM! The only matches that will not start at 9:30 AM are the matches waiting on a prior match to conclude, and those teams must be ready to begin play when that match is over.

Here are the Official Rules, all of which are in effect, and here are tournament notes addendum clarifying additional specifics to our tournament. If needed, a protest form has also been provided in the event resources folder.

Congratulations on your accomplishment, and good luck!

Team Happy


I'm about to !!!

Shots and Tots

Don Poolio

Break Out


Match Sticks

Master Minds

The Blob

A Lil' Loaded


A Case of the Runs

English Majors

Wrong Hole!

Despicable Us

Rack Addicts

Rackless Endangerment

Sugar and Spice


Your New Insect Overlords

The Village Idiots

Pokey Pokey Jab Jab

Happy Hours



Not That Ball

Fillet Minions

9-Ball World Qualifier Brackets and Other Links

Click here for the 9-Ball documents including certificiation statement, roster, and brackets! 

Captains, please return the 9-Ball Certification Statements by Thursday, Jun 8th!

Good luck to all the 9-Ball teams ~

Nice Leave


Atta Girl

Rackin' N Rollin'

Rack and Roll


Kicking and Scratching

Despicable Us

A Case of the Runs

Do Better

Newb de bushing

Hot Garbage

One Ball Run's


Fillet Minions

Not so Sure Shots

Sticks and Stones

Run the Numbers

Team Happy

Stay Down

Master Minds

Below the Felt

The Wolf Pack

English Majors


Pocket Pool

Motley Tool

The Blob

Fall 2024 Tri-Annual Tournament
1/28/25 - 7:35 am
Update: 9-Ball Location Assignments, Brackets, and Rosters Here-> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rq5YXfTzGiqbXVJwjJyGvThGs97NTRRw?usp=sharing Wow! Congratulations to the 46 teams qualifying for this session's Tri-Annual! We will be advancing 12 instead of 10 teams to the World Qualifier and increasing the prize payout pool by an additional $1000 due to the record number of participa