Join Our TEXT CLUB to Stay Updated with League News

September 4, 2024 3:46 PM

by Illiana APA

Join Our TEXT CLUB to Stay Updated with League News

September 4, 2024 3:46 PM

by Illiana APA

Join our ILLIANA APA TEXT CLUB to stay updated with League Information! 


It is an easy two-step process: 

1. 1) Text PLAYAPA (all one word) to 708-834-7665

2.  2) When you receive the OPT IN message, reply with Y to confirm

You will get a Welcome Message....and that means you are now in the ILLIANA APA TEXT CLUB!

Click HERE for the TEXT CLUB flyer. 

Our ILLIANA APA TEXT CLUB is a one-way service (from us to you) that pushes a message to all players who have joined our TEXT CLUB. We use our TEXT CLUB to send out messages to our players about postponing leagues due to weather, notifying players about tournaments, etc.   

If you have any questions, please contact the League Office by calling or texting us directly at 708-745-8244.

Captain/Co-Cap Tourneys Mar. 15 and Mar. 22
2/3/25 - 6:00 pm
The Session 3 Captain/Co-Captain Scotch Doubles Tournaments for 8-Ball and 9-Ball are below. . The 8-Ball tournament is on Saturday, March 15 @ 1pm at Griffith Billiards. The 9-Ball tournament is on Saturday, March 22 @ 1pm at Griffith Billiards . VIEW THE FLYER HERE FOR MORE INFO!  . It is a scotch doubles format – meaning the teammates take alternate shots. It is a MODIFIED single elimination t
Team Captain Vegas Qualifier April 12
2/7/25 - 2:00 pm
The TEAM CAPTAIN VEGAS QUALIFIER TOURNAMENTS is another way players can advance to Vegas! . Our Illiana APA Vegas Qualifier is $250 per team.  The event will be on Sat. April 12 at 1pm at Griffith Billiards.  Entry fees collected will be used to offset travel expenses. . But....This is only for TEAM CAPTAINS!  You must meet the TWO criteria below: . CRITERIA 1 You must be a captain in TWO of these